Oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos
Oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos

oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos

then does the same to Bob and the cockroaches. In "Copy Cat", Oggy manages to beat up and kick his Killer Robot copy all the way to the moon after destroying his figurines.It gets to the point where Oggy finally loses hope on ever fixing his body and starts crying, how does Jack react to this? He uses the Voodoo Dolls of the Roaches and starts inflating them! First he does it to Dee Dee and Marky, but all of the sudden Joey surrenders and even changes Oggy's body back to normal in hopes that he won't be inflated, Jack doesn't buy it and then inflates them so hard that they eventually explode. Then throughout the episode Oggy slowly gets more and more mangled as the Roaches keep messing with the doll such as turning it into a ball or crushing it with a steamroller. Jack gets one in the episode "All Out of Shape" (Which can easily be considered Oggy's most torturous episode to date) In the episode, the roaches torture Oggy by making a Voodoo Doll of him out of clay.Oggy then ties it up while it's unconscious. In "The Abominable Snow Moth", Oggy defeats the titular now humongous glutton by making it step onto a crowbar, causing it to fly into the air, land on its head and knock the moth out.Cue him advancing onto the startled duo rolling up his left sleeve. The end of "Virtual Voyage": Joey returns to his home, only to find his fellow roaches messing with his stuff and not really caring about his disappearance into a virtual dimension.You can probably guess the cockroaches and their clone team's reactions when they find a horde of angry Oggys and Jacks waiting to beat them up. The Bolivian Army Ending in the episode "Cloning Around" definitely counts.Too bad one last car zooming past during their departure makes them realize who's responsible. During "Race to the Finish", the cats nearly convince the cockroaches to leave by unknowingly pestering them by their remote cars.Cue inertia doing the rest as the cockroach trio is launched into the window which breaks off and sails into space, followed by Oggy dropping the building into place and posing proudly. Then he lifts it up, spins it around and abruptly stops. As now-super-powered Joey and Marky are taking their well-deserved revenge on their pal-turned-bully Dee Dee inside, Oggy calmly walks near his house.

oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos

The Cockroaches begin to scream in terror while Jack silently grins at their impending suffering. However, the Cockroaches are now horrified after they learn that Oggy is going to have a massive thermometer shoved up in their ass (keep in mind that the thermometer is two times bigger than Oggy in comparison to the already small Cockroaches!) to check their tempature.

oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos

After putting Jack through utter hell while he's sick, the Cockroaches end up frozen in an ice block along with Jack (again). Made even more cathartic when this is the first time that Oggy has ever outsmarted the roaches thus far in the series. He then happily grabs a box of chocolates note The same one from "Bitter Chocolate" in which the roaches steal all of its contents from Oggy and get away with it. Cue Smash Cut back to Oggy, where he then reveals that he hid all of the fridge's food under his pillow. However, when they open the fridge, they all scream in terror when they find out that this time, Oggy has put all of the traps inside the fridge and they are all armed and ready to attack the roaches. The next day, while Oggy is fake-sleeping, the roaches see this as another opportunity to raid the fridge. After realizing that no matter what, the roaches will always find a way into his fridge even after placing several high-security traps, Oggy formulates a new plan to get back at the roaches.

  • Oggy's Batman Gambit in "Mission Oggy" (and its season 6 remastering, "Crackdown on the Fridge").

  • Oggy and cockroaches cartoon videos